Can you Swap it?
2 min readSep 9, 2022

👋 Greetings Daemonics

Are you looking to swap $DAEM?

Say no more!

Today we bring you another tool to increase the user experience, a simple but intuitive interface for swapping assets within the ecosystem.

For testing purposes we are using the Mumbai testnet (faucet for funds can be found here:, in order to swap between $WMATIC and $DAEM.

You can add these tokens to your metamask wallet by clicking on the “ + “ icon, located to the right of the corresponding smart contract address.

We recommend that users practice and use these guides, to be prepared once we go live.

There is no risk of using a testnet environment as funds are for demonstration purposes, but we do think it’s better to have a specific wallet just to do so.

If you need help setting one follow the instructions provided on this post:

Remember that users which perform actions, find bugs and report them in our discord will be rewarded for doing so once the platform is live. We are a community-oriented project so we need your feedback on how to improve and help us build a stronger foundation for the future. (

Links here:

#DAEM #DeFi #web3 #scripts #nocode #staking #governance


-- allows you to script operations on the blockchain and have them executed automatically once the conditions you established become true